Coffee Really Does Make You Happier

It’s science! Coffee really does make you happier!  


Ah, coffee. Whether you are sipping from a mug on your way to work or dashing out after yoga class to refuel with an iced latte, it is hard to imagine a day without it.  


We’re not biased; coffee IS one of the best drinks ever. Seriously. Coffee just makes mornings easier, uplifts our moods, and gives us energy. And we are not just saying that. It is a scientific fact that coffee makes people happier! 


You cannot buy happiness, but you can drink a cup of coffee. Here are the reasons why coffee makes people happier and some of its best benefits!  



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The Science of Coffee  


Coffee is a treasure trove of many chemicals that play an important role in our happiness and our health. A cup of coffee generally has: 


  • Ethyl phenol: A chemical that keeps people active and alert. 

  • Di caffeoylquinic acids: A compound that is responsible for protecting against neuron damage. 

  • Trigonelline: A form of vitamin B3 that helps fight cavity-causing bacteria in our mouths. 

  • Niacin: Also called vitamin B3, Niacin helps prevent dementia and is cell-rejuvenating. 



At Mr. Coffee Concierge, we offer premium gourmet coffee products that are enhanced with the immunity-boosting benefits of Ganoderma (Reishi mushrooms).  


How Coffee Makes You Happier 


So we covered the healthy compounds in coffee, but how does it make us happier? 


When you take a sip of coffee, it mimics a neurochemical in the brain called adenosine. This is the chemical that makes us feel sleepy and allows us to wind down when we are tired. When caffeine from coffee enters your body, it blocks adenosine from performing its regular function and keeps you energized.  


When adenosine receptors are blocked, your body releases dopamine and glutamate— the two main chemicals responsible for happiness; therefore, you feel happier! Coffee makes you feel happy because it stimulates neurotransmitters in your brain which are otherwise released under specific circumstances.  


Plus, Ganoderma can give a happiness boost by -  


  • enhancing immunity 

  • fighting fatigue & increase energy stamina 

  • relieving stress 

  • Improving memory 

  • reducing inflammation & and stimulating circulation 


All things that make you feel much better!  


Keep in mind that all the amazing benefits of coffee are best obtained when limiting your caffeine consumption (another Organo bonus). Your body can develop caffeine resistance over time, and you will not feel that energy boost like you once did.  


Benefits of Coffee  


As if we needed another reason to drink coffee, there are some amazing benefits to drinking that morning cup!  


Coffee is Full of Antioxidants  


Coffee is one of the richest sources of antioxidants that help prevent cancer and heart disease. Keep in mind that the level of antioxidants varies with caffeine content in your cup. Pure black coffee contains the highest level of antioxidants compared to a decaf cup of joe.  


  • A typical serving of coffee contains more antioxidants than servings of grape juice, blueberries, oranges, or raspberries.  

  • Antioxidants in coffee may dampen and reduce the risks of inflammation in the body.  


Ganoderma is touted as a top source of antioxidants. Just another reason to try it.  


Coffee Protects the Nervous System  


It has anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic properties that have proven to be effective in fighting diseases like Alzheimer’s. Coffee protects your brain and helps make it more resilient to stress, aging, and neurological diseases.   

Coffee Improves Brain Function  


While coffee will not make you smarter, it will help you stay sharp.  


When you drink coffee, adrenaline is produced which opens your airways and allows you to breathe more easily. That can increase the oxygen in your bloodstream and affect your brain in positive ways. The result? You can think clearer, easily solve problems, and make decisions faster.  


Another Ganoderma benefit: our specialty coffee even has the ability to reverse the aging process! 




Boost Your Mood with Coffee 


It is a delicious path to better health! At Mr. Coffee Concierge, we offer premium gourmet coffee products that are enhanced with the immunity-boosting benefits of Ganoderma (Reishi mushrooms)  


Start your morning right and boost your mood with gourmet coffee, tea, and a range of healthy living products from Mr. Coffee Concierge! 




Have an event or meeting coming up? Enhance the mood of everyone who attends with delectable gourmet coffee brewed by our baristas! Book our mobile coffee bar in Tampa today! 



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