Guide to Getting Your Fitness Routine in Bloom

When the birds start singing and the bees start buzzing, it’s time for you to get moving! After a long chilly winter with perhaps one too many days spent hidden under a warm blanket with a cup of hot tea, the sun will finally stick around later and fuel our energy to get that dream summer bod.  


Spring is the perfect time of year to harvest the inspiration of life being in full bloom. Kick off the warm weather with a healthy start by getting some new gear, updating your routine, and spending time outside. If you’re ready to look good, feel good, and fully appreciate the beauty of spring, here is Mr. Coffee Concierge’s guide to getting your fitness routine in bloom!

Exercise Flatlay

Book a Physical Exam  


It’s a good idea to receive an annual checkup to check your blood pressure, cholesterol, and potential vitamin deficiencies so that you can create the best fitness plan for you and your body. Seeing other alternative medicine practitioners, such as an herbalist or homeopath may also help you uncover any unresolved pain or trauma in the body. 


Seeking out medicinal ingredients in your coffee? Try our organic Ganoderma coffee for immune-boosting antioxidants and energy. 


Set a Realistic Schedule 


Set a realistic and attainable schedule so you don’t feel down on yourself when you can’t commit to unrealistically high expectations. If you haven’t been outside doing CrossFit circuits all January long, you might get frustrated trying to hold yourself to daily 6:00 am 3-mile jogs.  


If you’re really struggling for motivation, try stretching for 5 or 10 minutes on the porch first thing in the morning and then a fast-paced stroll after lunch or dinner. Work your way up to your long-term goals, since slow and steady wins the race! These are bound to get your blood flowing and brighten your day as well as build up discipline.  


Team Up with a Group 


When you have a partner, or even better...a whole group, to help hold each other accountable, you’re more likely to stick it out. Find a friend with similar health goals who has similar availability in their schedule. If possible, get together at the same time four days a week to build consistency and routine. 


Buy New Kicks  


If you’ve been living on your local gym’s indoor track all winter, you may be in need of some new sneakers. Most running shoes wear between 300 and 400 miles, and the wear and tear from running errands and other parts of your fitness routine counts towards that. A fresh new pair of shoes can get you feeling bouncy on the balls of your feet and excited to move! Go to a pro running sneaker store to have them examine your gait and find the best shoe for you. 


Clean Out Your Pantry  


Are you still stashing chocolates from a Christmas stocking or cookies from Valentine’s Day? It’s probably time to throw them out. Go ahead and grab a trash bag, so you can toss out other nutrition-less foods such as potato chips, sugary cereals, white bread, and other processed foods. You will feel renewed and clean... just like spring! 



Take a trash bag to the pantry and throw out any treats from past holidays, junk food like potato chips and cheese crackers, and other processed, preservative-filled foods. 


Bump a New Playlist 


If you’ve been listening to the same sad winter songs on repeat for the past several months, it’s definitely time to make a shift. Spring clean your Spotify playlists and create a new soundtrack for your fitness grind.  


Lean On Childhood Joys 


Going outside to jump rope for 20 minutes is a major cardio powerhouse and calorie burner. This nostalgic childhood endeavor will keep your heart beating strong and your muscles working hard. If jumping rope is too hard on your knees or other joints, go swimming in one of Florida’s nature-made or man-made pools.  


Invest in New Workout Attire 


Regardless of where you’re at in your fitness journey, it’s nice to update your exercise wardrobe this time of year with nice quality tees and tanks in breathable, sweat-wicking fabric. You also probably need a new sports bra if you’ve been consistently wearing yours for over 6 months, and those gym socks can definitely use an update. 

Women yoga

Stretch Away the Stress 


The best way to prevent an injury while exercising is to properly warm up and stretch as well as cool down before and after. First, get the blood moving and the muscles warm with light cardio for around 10 minutes. Follow this with dynamic stretching such as lunges, swinging your legs while standing, and twisting from the middle of your spine.  



The best method for injury prevention during a workout is to adequately warm up and stretch the muscles so they are more limber. 



After the rest of your workout, complete static stretches such as restorative yoga poses. Yoga, Pilates, Barre, and Dance are all wonderful practices for increasing strength and flexibility.  


Drink Plenty of Water  


Dehydration can cause serious muscle cramping and fatigue, especially after a hard workout. Make sure to drink at least two liters of water a day and plenty before exercising. The more you sweat, the more fluids you’re losing, so the more you need to regain. 


You can also hydrate with a nice, cold smoothie or nutrition shake- the perfect beverage as it heats up quickly here in the south. We are craving this Choco Mocha Smoothie with our Organo Café Mocha and FENIX Rich Chocolate for all of its nutritious flavor. 

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Choco mocha smoothie

Choco Mocha Smoothie  


For delicious chocolate banana flavor that reminds you of banana splits from your childhood summers, try this filling and simply Mocha Smoothie.  






Mix all of the ingredients in a blender until smooth and serve with powdered cacao. Yum! 


Plan an Adventure  


If it is still atrociously cold where you live, you can always plan a “health trip” to a resort with hiking, biking, or other activities. You can even sign up for a yoga retreat.  


Even if you don’t have the luxury of travel at the moment, you can go on small adventures in your local area to nice natural grocery stores or farmers markets. 


Readjust Your Mindset with Mr. Coffee Concierge  


When you exercise, try approaching it with concentration on how you feel instead of purely focusing on weight loss. This will help create more sustainable goals that will foster a much healthier relationship between you and your body.  


We believe that a stand-out day starts with a great cup. In order to feel motivated, perform your best, and ultimately reach your fitness goals, you need to first and foremost have a good attitude. A morning cup of coffee to center yourself can provide the space to create that! 


Ready to find some friends to sweat with? Share this article to start building your fitness support group! If you are in need of mobile coffee services or would like to learn more about our products, contact our baristas! 


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